Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh I love my little girl!

I took this picture with my cell phone the other day on a walk around the neighborhood and loved it, so I just had to share it with all of you! So now that she's a little older, who do you think she looks like?? ok, ok, wishful thinking, I know she looks a lot like Phil, but hey, I like to think there's some of me in there....right?? haha!


Brette said...

Well... If you ask she looks like the mail man? I saw him deliever mail just last time I was there and she totally resembles him. Just Kidding!! You know my opinion, and my opinion matters most around here, Phil all the way!! BUT she does have your lip/nose area :) Have a good 4th and maybe we'll see you next weekend!


she is CUTE!!!! thats all that matters right? she will look like you when she turns 1. (my prediction)